Mixpak FM
Mixpak is a Brooklyn based record label founded by Dre Skull. Mixpak FM delivers forward thinking mixes from DJs around the world. Catch the vibe.


Mixpak FM is back with Chicago’s legendary DJ Nehpets who describes this as a “history mix” and without a doubt it’s an amazing journey back through classic disco, house, funk and more. While you might know Nehpets from his Juke tracks , you might not know that his first vinyl release dropped on Dance Mania when he was just 15 years old. Insider's tip: on that release he was billed as “the backwards named Dee Jay Nehpets,” now try reading Nehpets backwards...okay, so we're all up to speed? Back to the mix, there’s no tracklist at the moment, but anyone who wants to go for it in the comments will be praised and thanked.  Take a 58 minute trip back...


Direct download: Mixpak_FM_-_DJ_Nehpets.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:22pm EDT